
REVENUE growth, simplified

Make money online.

There’s never been a better time to use digital marketing to grow your income - and your freedom.

About us

Jonathan and Sascha Schlossberg are working actors, ​award-winning marketers, and homeschooling ​parents of four with a knack for growing people and ​businesses so their clients can reach their goals and ​increase their income - while increasing their time for ​what matters most.


guud makes your life bigger - and easier.

We’ll tell you a secret: our clients come to us ​because they’re high achievers who know they’re ​underperforming. We’ll help you break through ​your own invisible glass ceiling. guud works with:

Black Sparkling Stars

Creative Artists

The age of the struggling artist is over in the guud world. Simple strategies and reframes change your present reality so you can finally be the thriving artist you’re meant to be.

Black Sparkling Stars

Service Professionals

There’s a dirty secret in this world... Service professionals make good money but often at the expense of their time. guud strategies free time, sanity, and increase quality of life.

Black Sparkling Stars

Brick and Mortar Business Owners

“Real life” business owners easily get stuck in the reality of the day-to-day. guud breaks you free from the grind, so more magic appears in your life - and your wildest dreams suddenly don’t feel so wild.

Black Sparkling Stars

Coaches and Consultants

Most coaches and consultants aren’t actually profitable. (Shhh.) guud strategies increase revenue flow and open brain space for coaches and consultants. Better money, better living.

We help our clients turn their dreams into reality.


These aren’t your basic optimization hacks. These are the mindset tweaks that the “born rich” learn from their parents.

These are the shifts that keep you off the busy-work hamster wheel as you create the life you love.


Everyone has a personal brand, but most brands are accidental, not intentional.

Our programs guide you in creating an inviting personal brand through magnetic social profiles - so opportunities and invitations appear, as if by magic.

guud blends marketing, brand messaging, mindset, + manifestation ​to create breakthrough growth.


Everyone is manifesting, whether they know it or not.

Most people aren’t able to do it intentionally or reliably.

Our science-backed techniques make your biggest visions and goals real, simply.

We’re here to help you turn your potential into breakthroughs.

You like receipts? Us too.

Here are some of ours.

Click Here Element 9

Now, it’s your move.

Black Sparkling Stars

Action takers, click here.

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down

15332 Antioch St #565

Pacific Palisades, CA 90272